
Revealing The Surprising Reason Meghan Likes To Hold Her Husband’S Hand In Public And Stare At Her Sister-In-Law Kate

In the world of royal engagements and public appearances, every gesture and glance is meticulously analyzed by onlookers and media alike. Duchess Meghan Markle’s penchant for holding Prince Harry’s hand in public and her seemingly frequent glances at her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, have not escaped notice. These actions, however, are more than just affectionate gestures or fleeting looks; they reveal deeper aspects of Meghan’s personality and her approach to her role within the royal family.

The Power of Touch: A Symbol of Unity and Support

Meghan and Harry’s hand-holding is often interpreted as a sign of their close and supportive relationship. In public settings, this simple act of physical touch goes beyond mere affection. It symbolizes their unity and mutual support in the face of intense public scrutiny. For Meghan, who has faced considerable media attention and criticism, holding Harry’s hand serves as a grounding gesture. It’s a reminder of their partnership and a visible sign of solidarity, portraying a united front to the world.

A Glimpse Into the Dynamic with Kate

Meghan’s frequent glances at Kate Middleton during public events have sparked numerous speculations. Some suggest that Meghan looks to Kate for cues on royal protocol and behavior, given Kate’s longer tenure within the royal family. This could be a sign of respect and a desire to learn from her sister-in-law, who has navigated royal life with grace and composure.

Others believe these looks signify Meghan’s admiration for Kate’s poise and the way she handles her royal duties. Despite media attempts to pit them against each other, these glances may reflect a sense of camaraderie and the complex, often supportive relationship between the two women. Meghan’s looks can also be seen as a way of seeking reassurance and connection, acknowledging the unique challenges they both face as royal women.

Breaking Traditions with Modern Affection

Traditionally, royals have adhered to more formal public interactions, but Meghan and Harry’s tactile displays challenge these conventions. Their hand-holding and Meghan’s open expressions of connection highlight a more modern, relatable approach to their roles. This departure from tradition aligns with their broader efforts to humanize the monarchy and make it more accessible to the public.

The Psychological Comfort of Familiarity

In high-stress environments, people often seek comfort through familiar and reassuring gestures. For Meghan, holding Harry’s hand and occasionally glancing at Kate could be subconscious strategies to find stability and comfort. These actions help her navigate the pressures of public appearances and royal expectations, providing a sense of security and connection amidst the formality.


Meghan Markle’s public gestures, from holding Prince Harry’s hand to looking at Kate Middleton, offer more than meets the eye. They reflect her commitment to her husband, her respect and admiration for her sister-in-law, and her desire to bring a modern, human touch to her royal role. These actions, though subtle, speak volumes about her personality, her values, and her approach to life within the royal family. In a world where every move is scrutinized, Meghan’s gestures reveal a thoughtful, supportive, and modern royal navigating her unique path with grace and authenticity.