
Meghan Markle angrily criticizes Oprah Winfrey for constantly interrupting and cutting her off during the interview. “She was utterly ridiculous, deliberately pushing questions and turning the conversation into a dreadful interrogation”

Because she so obviously was! She said things that were simply untrue. Critically, she knew they were untrue. Therefore she was lying. No other explanation is possible. Frankly, if you cannot see that, you are lacking in experience and / or basic intellectual perception.

It was not an interview as most would understand the term. A Markle publicity act / Winfrey money maker double act where Winfrey constantly steps in with a word to keep Markle on script. There were so many clues.

For instance –
Archie not being made a prince – “which went against protocol” She then mentioned the actual protocol which directly specifies why not – FIRST Son or Grandson. Therefore she knew why not and the “complaint” was groundless.

She had closely followed Diana’s story (reading the books etc.) Confessed she wanted an English man and one that was famous. A (probably ex) personal friend stated how she was obsessed with Diana. Yet we are supposed to believe she did not know who Harry was! Or search for him on the net! Why lie so blatantly? Does she think even her sugars are so dim?

What nonsense about having married 3 days earlier, which, as well as being a slap in the face for the public who partly paid for the charade, was patently untrue without witnesses. Even in California! She had previous experience so must have known it was untrue. I.E. A lie! Or perhaps put in by a scriptwriter who lived in a state that did not!

More disingenuous absurdity about having her passport taken. Which of course would be the same for any other in the Family (apart from the Queen). P.A. or similar, who arrange the travel and documents, must have access. It’s to safeguard it nor steal it. As I’m sure she knew! But that does not fit the poor little victim scenario. Yet she also had, how many, foreign trips?

Having her driving license taken – complains about lack of security AND expects to be able to tootle off for a drive whenever the fancy takes? The woman is not a complete fool so must have known these petty complaints were absurd. Winfrey, as usual, said nothing. Because? “does not fit the poor little victim scenario.”

And many more. Problem with telling porkies is that you have to remember them!

Harry – could not ask a member of the “family” about mental health – YET in 2017 — “It was my brother who encouraged me to seek professional help”! Which resulted in William AND Harry becoming patrons of Heads Together – a mental health charity!

He claims he never had a bike ride with his father like WIlliam YET there are several images of Charlie, Diana, William on their bikes with Harry on the back with Charles.

Cut off without a penny? Except for the £15 million from Diana, £10 million from Great Grannie AND Charles paying his “wages”, out of his own pocket, for a year. Ingrates!

On and on and on. One slice of innuendo and false nonsense after another. Not a trace of evidence or proof to spoil the flow. All supported and encouraged by a self serving Winfrey. A cynically created bit of rehearsed and (poorly) edited theatre by a person who has built her career (and fortune) on appealing to an specific uncritical audience she knows very well. Like selling highly dubious products to the desperate.

Truth and integrity are irrelevant in the Winfrey world. Money is all.

Falsus in Uno – Falsus in Omnibus. Get caught in a lie once and the rest in not believed.

Analysis by body language experts.